Russian Financial Translation Services

After the UK’s vote to leave the European Union in 2016 and in response to concerns within the farming industry in anticipation of the ending of FoM, in 2018 the previous government announced a pilot scheme to bring 2,500 workers from outside the EEA to work on UK farms for up to 6 months. Our team of experienced translators specializes in providing certified translations for all types of financial documents, including bank statements. Our professional sworn translators provide notarised translation service that are recognized and accepted by all relevant authorities, banks, local authorities, courts, and universities.


These are likely lacking within the horticulture sector, as traditionally they have not been needed. In May 2023, during a ‘farm to fork summit’ the then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, made a commitment in response to this to broadly maintain current food production levels where the UK produces c.60% of all the food it requires. At a speech to the National Farmers’ Union conference in February 2024, he vowed to focus on food security and outlined plans for an annual Food Security Index, with a focus on specific produce e.g., that 15% of all tomatoes are produced domestically). The seasonal nature of farming discussed above results in the varying labour demand within year demonstrated in Figure 1.2 and therefore, a reliance on flexible labour. As shown in Figure 1.1 below, the increase in the visa quota since 2019 has coincided with a decrease in the number of EU workers within agriculture which has fallen from c.38,000 in the average month in 2019 to c.25,000 in 2023. To be clear, this captures all EU workers within agriculture and therefore includes both seasonal and permanent workers; it is possible that the reduced EU workforce is not distributed evenly across agriculture.

Review of the Seasonal Worker visa (accessible)

It is important that employees can leave early if they need or wish, but they should not be driven to do so. If scheme operators have their licence suspended, workers are permitted to continue working, while if their licence is revoked, workers have 60 days to find a new sponsor or alternatively return home. This is potentially problematic for workers who have already paid their visa fees and for other costs such as travel.


  • We offer certified translation services in more than 120 languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Turkish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Russian, and Arabic.
  • We can also issue the translated document with all levels of document certification and document legalisation, including UK Apostille authentication.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding is a statement of intent of the commitment, resources, and other considerations that each of the signing parties will bring.
  • Additional pay varied across farms with some employers preferring to pay a flat rate (particularly in packing jobs) whilst other farms had pay levels up to £15 per hour or sometimes as much as £20 per hour.

In other words, the previous government were committed to maintaining domestic food production levels. This has important implications for the SWV, which will have an impact on the ability to meet these commitments. The SWV is currently only available to foreign workers wanting to undertake jobs within horticulture (ornamental and edible), or poultry farming. For a translation of a tax declaration we always choose linguists who have a deep understanding of Russian and English tax systems and knowledge of tax terminology. The translation is formatted to reflect the complex formatting of the original document, which is often time consuming but necessary to keep the translation clear and comprehensive.
Scheme operators’ responsibilities include ensuring that workers have a safe and compliant environment, and that they are provided with appropriate equipment (at no cost) to do the job safely. The 2022 Defra Seasonal Workers survey highlights that 94% of their respondents were happy with safety on the farm (3% were unhappy), although it must be noted that they may be comparing standards to those in countries with lower levels of safety regulation. UKVI compliance reports and workers’ rights groups have identified issues with health and safety on farms, particularly around personal protective equipment (PPE) including workers not having PPE/adequate PPE or having to pay for it.
Horticulture is currently by far the most labour-intensive sector within farming and uses the most casual labour, with 5.8 regular workers and 3.9 casual workers per farm. It is therefore not surprising that the SWV is mainly targeted at the horticultural sector. However, this labour requirement is not fixed, and it is possible this could be reduced with additional automation within horticulture, something discussed in more detail later.
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These were identified by looking at the occupations without privileged immigration access and with the same minimum educational requirements as seasonal worker occupations, which had the most vacancies in 2023 across all Local Authority Areas (LAA) with 3 or more farms that have used the SWV. This analysis is not to say the following roles are comparable with seasonal work, rather they are competing with farms for labour. Table 1.7 shows, that whilst pay for ‘farm workers’ and‘horticultural trades’ is low when compared to the whole economy, it is relatively consistent with pay rates for competing occupations. russian translation of assembly drawings in the uk suggests pay would not be a deciding factor for individuals to pursue these occupations (as others are available at similar rates). Further, the reliance on migrant labour suggests that pay is not sufficiently high to attract British workers to these roles.
However, in practice scheme providers may make other language rules – for example, that Seasonal Workers being recruited from Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistanand Tajikistan) should be able to speak Russian, whether or not this is actually their first language. This is to facilitate informed recruitment and ensure the scheme provider is confident that people have understood the terms and conditions of the route before applying. There are pros and cons to such an approach from an employee welfare perspective, which are discussed in further detail in Chapter 5. For businesses to incur costs investing in technology that will have long-term benefits they require a level of certainty that the business will remain viable when the benefits are realised. Defra’s automation in horticulture review argues that the year-to-year confirmation of the SWS has acted as a disincentive to farmers to invest in automation. The first recommendation in the review, is that the SWS should be extended as it will incentivise long-term capital investments, including in automation technology.

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